Customer Testimonials

Hi Pat,
Just wanted to let you know I arrived home, safe & sound. With petrol to spare.
You managed to make our deal an easy& pleasant experience. I hope you feel the same way.
Thank you,

Dear Geoff,
It was a pleasure to meet you and Pat on Monday to collect the GT3. 
The car is superb and it has been a delight to deal with you. True Gentlemen. 
Do always let us know if you have any interesting 911’s. 
Thank you and very best wishes
Paul and Oli.

Enquiry from your Web Site follows.....
Customers Name: Stuart Logue
Thanks you for the service work on my Boxster last week.  Had a run out
last night in the dark, engine running beautifully and quiet roads: a
Great service, clear communications and the car cleaned to perfection. Not
cheap, but definitely the way to do business.
Will be back to see you when the car needs attention, or when I have saved
up the pennies for a 911.
Thanks again for the great work.